We constantly work on all types of installations, ensuring the safety of industrial plants, the people working in them and maintaining the continuity of production processes. We provide services using many cleaning technologies. We work in open spaces, in dangerous and explosive zones, we carry out work at heights and in hard-to-reach places. We perform service and renovation works during planned downtime and help in preparing facilities and infrastructure for inspections, audits and site commissioning.
The most important aspect of working for the industry is maintaining all safety standards. We have appropriate technological resources and technical expertise that guarantee the proper execution of tasks, including particularly dangerous places.
Each task is carried out after an individual analysis, in accordance with the needs of the client and the industryenta i branży.
What we offer?
- Wide range of competences in the field of specialised cleaning
- Support for new technologies in industrial infrastructure management processes
- Fulfilment of standing orders without production breaks
- Technical consultancy at every stage of cooperation
Benefits of working of us
- Reducing the risk of failuresarii
- Safe working environment
- Increasing the efficiency of installations and devices
- Maintaining the continuity of technological processes
- No secondary pollution effect

New technologies support the industry
We approach the process of servicing businesses in a multidimensional way. Using new technologies, e.g. 3D laser scanning or augmented reality, we help plants efficiently manage their industrial infrastructure. We build digital databases that provide a lot of information about the company’s assets and the technical condition of the plant’s infrastructure. Thanks to digital tools, we improve the work of people on installations and support businesses in their investment and management decisions.
Always professional
Our team is a group of committed professionals. Customers value many years of experience and high qualifications of our engineering staff. Thanks to the specialist knowledge of engineers, team managers and technicians, we know the needs of the industry and can respond to them flexibly. Effective teams are the key to generating new areas of services and professional process consulting.

Our certificates
We have all the necessary authorisations to work in industrial facilities – authorisations appropriate to service a given industry, to work at heights, in explosion-hazardous areas, or in the atmosphere of concentrated chemical substances.
- System Zarządzania Jakością ISO 9001:2015
- System Zarządzania Środowiskowego ISO 14001:2015
- System Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem i Higieną Pracy ISO 45001:2018
- System Zarządzania wg normy SCC
- Certyfikat jakości procesów spawania PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2007
- Polityka jakości, środowiska i bhp spółki Climbex
- UDT uprawnienie do wykonywania napraw zbiorników, rurociągów, kotłów
- UDT uprawnienie do wykonywania modernizacji zbiorników, rurociągów, kotłów
- UDT uprawnienie do wytwarzania elementów ciśnieniowych i bezciśnieniowych